Treatments Explained

Crowding of the teeth

Crowding of teeth happens when there is not enough room for all your teeth to fit normally. When left untreated, the crowding can worsen and eventually result in crooked teeth. This can lead to extreme plaque, tooth decay, and increase chances of gum disease.


An Openbite occurs when teeth are unable to contact the opposing teeth. This is most often caused by abnormal jaw structure or thumb sucking. Without treatment, an openbite can eventually cause painful chewing and even speech problems. In extreme cases, an untreated openbite can lead to thermo-mandibular joint disorder, also known as TMJ.

Deep overbite

The difference between an overbite and a deep overbite is that with a deep overbite the upper teeth almost completely overlap the bottom teeth. With a deep overbite, the lower incisors make contact with the gums behind the upper incisors. This can eventually lead to recession of the gums and lead to damage of the roots of the upper teeth.

Missing Lateral incisors

Known as congenitally missing, this is when a tooth will not grow because it does not exist. The main cause of congenitally missing teeth is simply genetics. A missing tooth disrupts the pattern of the teeth, causing them to move to fill the space. The most common treatment is to move the teeth into the correct position with Orthodontics, and then to artificially replace the missing teeth.


An Underbite occurs when the lower teeth extend past the upper teeth. This is usually caused by an undergrowth of the bone supporting the upper jaw, or overgrowth of the bone supporting the lower jaw. In some cases, an Underbite can be caused by both an under and over growth. Missing upper teeth can also cause an underbite to develop. An underbite can prevent the normal functions of front teeth and lead to jaw problems.

Spacing of teeth

Spaces can occur between any two teeth and for a variety of reasons ranging from jaw bone size to the size of the teeth. Thumb sucking at a young age is also a common cause for the formation of spaces between teeth.


An Overbite occurs when the upper teeth bite over the lower teeth. This is usually caused by genetics, bad oral habits, or overdevelopment of the bone that supports the teeth. Without being treated an Overbite can cause gum problems, wear on the lower teeth, or jaw pain.

Non-braces treatment

Depending on the condition some treatments do not require the use of braces during treatment. Whether it be simply using a retainer to align teeth or using an appliance to adjust jaw positioning.


Phase 1

Phase one treatment is for children and is used to address early signs of jaw problems as they grow and develop. The main purpose is to help the jaw develop so that it will eventually accommodate all the permanent teeth. Phase one treatment also improves the way the upper and lower jaws fit together.